By James Yount

Published in 1989, Clear and Present Danger proved to be yet another commercial success for Tom Clancy, a fast-paced thriller in the Jack Ryan saga. In the novel, Jack Ryan and his peers in the Central Intelligence Agency risk their lives to rescue a team of U.S. soldiers taken hostage after a covert operation against a group of Columbian drug lords goes awry. In The Sum of All Fears, published in 1991, Arab terrorists threaten to attack the United States, nearly inciting a war between America and Russia. Facing off with an incompetent U.S. President and his scheming mistress, Jack Ryan bravely averts potential international disaster, halting the war and saving the lives of countless American citizens. Without Remorse, Debt of Honor, Executive Orders, Rainbow Six, The Bear and the Dragon, Red Rabbit, The Teeth of the Tiger, and Dead of Alive, Clancy’s most recent novel, make up the rest of the Jack Ryan series of books.

A proud patriot, Tom Clancy skillfully weaves his personal political views into his body of written work. As a strong proponent of the United States government and its activities in international politics, Clancy strongly supports the brave men and women who devote their lives to serving their country as operatives of the Central Intelligence Agency, an organization he continually references in both his fiction and non-fiction. Following the tragedy that befell America on September 11, 2001, Clancy appeared on The O’Reilly Factor, offering his viewpoint on the attack. Chastising the political leaders who supported cuts in the CIA’s budget, Clancy advocated for increased financial backing of the U.S. intelligence community, encouraging the American public to recognize the valuable political tools the agency provides for our country. The recipient of the Navy League of the United States’ Alfred Thayer Mahan Award for Literary Achievement, Clancy is one of only two authors selling two million copies for a first book printing.

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